Hey, guys, I’m Craig with Fernie Ford here again with another pre-owned vehicle walk-around. Here today I am with a beautiful 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. We’ve had it here for a little bit. It’s got 188,000 kilometers, and it’s only $4,000. Today we are talking commuter vehicle, a vehicle to get you to and from the site, to the mines, to the resort. Wherever you need to go, this vehicle will take you there. Let’s do a walk-around. We’ll take a look at the engine; we’ll talk about some features, and I’ve got a surprise for you at the end.
First and foremost, let’s take a look at the engine. It’s in nice condition. It’s kept clean and has a brand new battery. That’s what’s important. That battery will keep you going with lots of life. It is a full four-door, so it has lots of room for you and your buddies. If you want to pack fifteen people in here, you can do it. We don’t recommend it, but you can do it.
I’ll let you see the back. Like I said, just $4,000. It’s kept clean, has all the seatbacks, and lots of room in the trunk. I said I had a surprise for you, so I might as well do it right now. You’re thinking for $4,000 I could get this, but with winter tires it would be better. Well, I’ve got wear tires for you, on rims. The other two are tucked away safely.
Let’s take a look at the driver’s seat. Even though it’s an ‘03 it has a CD player, so you can be driving around and pull out that old Britney album you have hidden under the seat, crank it on, and have a great day. Come see us at Fernie Ford, 2003 Oldsmobile Alero.
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